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Dynamic templating


Date namespace contains methods that generate strings related to the date entity.

Template definitions

{{date.today()}} - Generates today's date.

{{date.randomDate()}} - Generates randomly date it's could be as in the past as in the future, e.g "Wed Jan 25 2040 22:36:09 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00)".

{{date.futureAny()}} - Generates randomly the date in the future.

{{date.pastAny()}} - Generates randomly the date in the past.

{{date.recent()}} - Generates randomly the recent date.

{{date.month()}} - Generates randomly the name of the month, e.g. "March".

{{date.weekday()}} - Generates randomly the week day, e.g. "Monday".

The example of template usage:

  "someDateSample": {
    "today": "{{date.today()}}",
    "recent": "{{date.recent()}}",
    "randomDate": "{{date.randomDate()}}",
    "futureAny": "{{date.futureAny()}}",
    "pastAny": "{{date.pastAny()}}",
    "month": "{{date.month()}}",
    "weekday": "{{date.weekday()}}"